Tuesday 25 December 2012


                                                 Christmas! Christmas! Christmas!

It is time again for the world to celebrate, make merry,have fun and visit love once. This is the time that many Christians belief their lord and saviour Jesus Christ was born. This day is has a great effect on the Christian faith. It suppose to be a day of sober reflection and meditation on the raising saviour. But it seem the true meaning of Christmas is lost. It is very shameful to see some one at the age of 20 or above celebrating Christmas but do not know why there is Christmas  but because it is a day of happiness and celebration they should also take part. Now Christmas day is a day that many young girls loose their virginity and that is unfortunate. It is also clear that on this day condoms literally get finished for stores and shops which is disgraceful. It hurts me so much that the true meaning of this wonderful day no more exist. I believe strongly Jesus will be sitting in heaven in pains when he sees the world making non-sense of his efforts.

How i wish that the true meaning of this wonderful day will be restored, so it can be celebrated with meaning by every that celebrate it.